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Week 22: Final Steps!

Embracing the Final Stages of PlanEat's Development

Greetings, avid PlanEat followers! We're thrilled to bring you the latest update on our app's development as we approach the final stages of this exciting journey. Our dedicated team of developers and designers has been hard at work, and we have some significant developments to share with you.

Code Wrapping and Full Automation

Our developers have been diligently working to wrap up the code, bringing us closer to a polished and refined app. One of the major achievements this week is the successful connection to ChatGPT, which is now fully operational. This breakthrough allows for complete automation within the app. When users create a new event, the item list is automatically generated using the details they input and saved directly in the database. This seamless integration eliminates the need for manual list creation, making event planning effortless. Upon reaching the homepage, users can now view their generated item list conveniently categorized, providing a clear and organized overview.

Website Connectivity Milestone

Another significant milestone we're proud to share is the successful connection of the website to both the app and the database. While these functionalities were previously functioning locally, we have now transferred them to Replit, enabling anyone to access and utilize the app. This exciting development ensures that users can seamlessly interact with PlanEat's website, enhancing the overall user experience and facilitating smooth event planning and management.

Upcoming Development Steps

As we near the completion of PlanEat's development, our next steps involve uploading the ChatGPT server to Replit, further optimizing the app's functionality. Additionally, we're working on integrating the website link into the WhatsApp messages sent through the app. These advancements will provide users with enhanced accessibility and convenience, allowing for a seamless transition between platforms.

Promotional Video

Our design team...

//Update what you did this week

Closing in on the Finish Line

With the wrapping up of code, full automation, successful website connectivity, and ongoing design refinements, we're incredibly close to the finish line. We're filled with anticipation as we near the completion of PlanEat's development journey.

Stay tuned for our final blog post as we celebrate the launch of PlanEat and prepare to revolutionize the way you plan and enjoy food-focused events.

Here is a demo of our app currently excluding our website :)

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