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  • rotemmaniv6

Week 20: Almost there!

Updated: Jun 14, 2023

Introducing the Latest Update on PlanEat's Journey

Welcome back, PlanEat enthusiasts! It's time for another exciting blog post as we share the progress we've made on our app over the past week. Our dedicated team of developers and designers has been hard at work, and we're thrilled to highlight the key advancements.

Backend Development Takes Center Stage:

In this week's development update, the developers continued to focus on the backend of the app, ensuring a solid foundation for a seamless user experience. We're excited to announce that the implementation of the database (DB) is fully complete. This major milestone allows us to securely store and retrieve user data, as well as display it within the app soon, ensuring that your event information is easily accessible.

Integration of the DB Within the App

Building upon the successful implementation of the DB, our team is now actively working on integrating its usage within the app. This integration is crucial in creating a smooth and efficient experience for our users. By seamlessly connecting the DB to the app's core functionalities, we aim to provide you with a reliable platform to plan and organize food-focused events effortlessly.

ChatGPT Integration Progress

We're happy to share that significant progress has been made towards integrating ChatGPT, an advanced AI platform, with our app. ChatGPT's integration will enable the app to automatically generate lists of items for events, simplifying the planning process even further. The developers are diligently working to seamlessly incorporate ChatGPT's capabilities, allowing you to benefit from intelligent and personalized suggestions when planning your events. We're excited to bring this feature to you soon!

Design tem Worked this week on validation and usability of the application

During the process of developing and testing the application's user interface, we discovered that all the features were easily comprehensible and the platform's navigation was clear and instinctive. At this point, we decided to revisit the main objective of our project and evaluate whether the app truly addresses the frustrations and difficulties faced by organizers, which was the problem we aimed to solve. As the application itself was still in progress, we contemplated alternative ways to provide a potential user with an experience similar to that of the app, in order to determine if it genuinely offers a solution to the problem.

To accomplish this, we opted to find a potential user who would be willing to let us assist them in organizing a social event centered around food with their friends. Acting as the application, we simulated its functionality using other tools. Firstly, we designed a questionnaire for event creation using Qualtrix. Once the organizer filled in the event details, we generated an invitation with all the necessary information, also through Qualtrix. We then shared the prepared link with the organizer, who could forward it to their friends via WhatsApp, just as the app would have advised him. Subsequently, we gathered the RSVPs from their friends and presented the organizer with an image displaying the responses.

In the following step, we provided the organizer with a list of supplies and equipment for the event, utilizing a Google Docs document. We suggested him that he make modifications to the list according to his personal preferences and those of his friends, and then share the document with his friends, who could check out the supplies they intended to bring. The document accompanied the organizer and their friends throughout the process leading up to the event, with the list continually being updated, as more and more items were checked out.

From conducting this test and gathering feedback, we have obtained several valuable insights. Firstly, we received initial validation that the sequence of steps we designed is logical and enables the organizer to easily and methodically arrange the event. Additionally, we observed that when using a simple and concise link, all of the organizer's friends responded, regardless of whether they confirmed their attendance or indicated they would not be able to come. Furthermore, we noticed that the available grocery table for participants was gradually being filled.

This interaction emphasized the importance of dividing the event organization process into two stages. The first stage focuses on streamlining and simplifying the attendance confirmation, ensuring that even those who cannot attend can quickly respond within a few seconds, avoiding lengthy procedures that might discourage their engagement. The second stage entails the comprehensive distribution of supplies and equipment, tailored to those who express their intention to attend, as they are more likely to invest time in reviewing the comprehensive document.

Regarding application improvements, the feedback primarily centered around enhancing the organizer's experience through the support provided by the app. The organizer conveyed that receiving updates and reminders about the response status of their friends, both during the invitation stage and the task distribution stage, would have been immensely helpful. He also expressed the desire to send reminders to his friends through these updates. We took this feedback on board and integrated it into the app's interface. As a result, the organizer will now receive updates for every response received from their friends, as well as a daily status update that includes an option to send reminders to his friends for items they have not yet responded to.

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