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  • rotemmaniv6

Week 13: Part 2, New Beginnings

Updated: May 17, 2023

We are back! This is our first week back after finals. During the break, our group, PlanEat, continued learning and working towards our future Android app.

The Computer Science members of the group took a course in Android App Development last semester and learned about the different parts and functions necessary for building an app. We had the chance to implement the knowledge we accumulated throughout the semester and hone in our skills.

Meanwhile, the rest of the group conducted Guerrilla testing with three individuals for our app. The results revealed several areas for improvement, particularly on the home screen, where users had difficulty understanding its purpose and what to do next. Based on the feedback we received, we made some changes to the app's design. Our next step is to return to Guerrilla testing to obtain additional feedback and continue improving the user experience.

During class, each group presented the changes they made during the break by highlighting the differences made on Figma from the feedback received during user tests. In our group, Rotem spoke to the class about the progress on the CS side. She showed a demo of the app she made with Arielle (a member of the "Let's Shake It" group) and explained which skills she gained from the experience.

All in all, the Computer Science members of our team gained valuable experience in app development, while the Communications and Psychology majors were able to apply the research skills they had learned in their classes. We are still far away from our final product but we are one step closer to giving people ease of mind when organizing social gatherings revolving around food.

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